Our energy vibrations not only affect us individually but also collectively! Our society has not come to the realization that when a large number of people in pain, fear or anger concentrated in one location can affect the vibration of the planet as a whole. Each one of us is standing on the earth; which means our vibration is penetrating the ground and altering the level of negative or positive vibration energy of everyone on this planet!
So when people go to war against each other or famine is sweeping a country across the globe, the negative energy is penetrating the ground of the earth and traveling to each one of us; this energy alters our aura energy field to make us intuitively aware of what is going on to our human family across the globe. We are all invisibly connected; you may not be sensitive enough to pick up on it, but it does accumulate on top of all the negative emotions you are exposed to from your personal environment at the same time. So when people get sick for no apparent reason, it is this negative energy produced by those around us who do not understand the ramification of their negative thoughts and actions accumulating on top of our own.
Thoughts are also energy that can be either negative or positive. Change the way you think and you can change your world! So when positive thoughts, intentions and actions are created in abundance by a large number of people; health, prosperity, and happiness will sweep the planet and a higher level of consciousness will be attained.
Abused animals add to the level of negative energy being produced on this planet; not only their emotional and physical fear and suffering is being transmitted to the rest of us through the ethers , also using these tormented animals as a food energy source will only add their negative energy to our own which could cause sickness. This is why eating home grown vegetables have a much higher level of positive energy vibration than any meat you could find.